Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Saudi Dairy & Foodstuff Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Saudi Dairy & Foodstuff Company - Case Study Example The company has been very successful in its operations because it employed the best strategies ever especially merging with Tetra Park, which led it to introduce more products to its normal production. This paper provides a clear picture of how the company was established, how it began operations, how it came to merge with Tetra Park the best strategies it employed in order to become the best in Saudi Arabia and how it is performing so far. The paper also describes the companies SWOT Analysis where it provides the company’s Strengths and Opportunities and Threats and Weakness. The company’s major threats include stiff competition from competitors, instability of economy, importation of similar products, unstable management, and incompetent staff. This paper mentions two main recommendations for these challenges. These are ensuring proper management, which leads to quality production, and proper marketing techniques, which include media advertisement. Therefore, it is ab le to give the viewer a clear depiction of the entire analysis of SADAFCO Company. Company Analysis Saudi Dairy & Foodstuff Company Introduction Saudi Dairy and Foodstuff Company (SADAFCO) was developed in 1746, with it’s headquarter centered in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The company’s production began in a year later with main concentration being on dairy products. Several other attainments were put in place in following years. ears. As from 1991, on top of milk-associated products engrossing ice cream, the firm has enlarged the product variety with the introduction of tomato paste, cheese (via the combination venture with Saudi New Zealand Milk Products (SNZMP) Saudi Arabia, snacks and hummus (through the attainment of Sara Snack Foods Factory in 1995). 1SADAFCO Company went public in 2005 and is recorded on the Stock Exchange of Saudi Arabia (Arnold 2009). The company has more than 100, 000 shareholders and is one of the top companies in production of foodstuff and milk products in Saudi Arabia. Despite going through a number of challenges, SADAFCO has never taken the content easy with having conq uered the technical challenges of the dairy industry in the Asian continent. Despite the fact that they have been substantial, they have also long been one of the top thinkers in local marketing firms, because they are familiar with the significance of band building (Al Fawzan & Al Sadhan 19). The ultimate aim of this context is to give a clear outline of SADAFCO Company in Saudi Arabia beginning with its external environment and general environment and winding up with the internal environment as well as issuing recommendations and conclusion. The external environment entails PEST-NED tools which are the functional units of SADAFCO. The internal environment entails vision, mission and objectives of the Company as well as strategies and tactics employed by the company in the market field. It also contains SWOT analysis which summarizes the operation of the company. External Environment General Environment This part discusses the different tools majorly

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