Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Element List - Atomic Number, Element Name and Symbol

Element List - Atomic Number, Element Name and Symbol Heres a list of chemical elements ordered by increasing atomic number. The names and element symbols are provided. Each element has a one or two letter symbol, which is an abbreviated form of its present or old name. The element number is its atomic number, which is the number of protons in each of its atoms. 1 - H - Hydrogen2 - He - Helium3 - Li - Lithium4 - Be - Beryllium5 - B - Boron6 - C - Carbon7 - N - Nitrogen8 - O - Oxygen9 - F - Fluorine10 - Ne - Neon11 - Na - Sodium12 - Mg - Magnesium13 - Al - Aluminum, Aluminium14 - Si - Silicon15 - P - Phosphorus16 - S - Sulfur17 - Cl - Chlorine18 - Ar - Argon19 - K - Potassium20 - Ca - Calcium21 - Sc - Scandium22 - Ti - Titanium23 - V - Vanadium24 - Cr - Chromium25 - Mn - Manganese26 - Fe - Iron27 - Co - Cobalt28 - Ni - Nickel29 - Cu - Copper30 - Zn - Zinc31 - Ga - Gallium32 - Ge - Germanium33 - As - Arsenic34 - Se - Selenium35 - Br - Bromine36 - Kr - Krypton37 - Rb - Rubidium38 - Sr - Strontium39 - Y - Yttrium40 - Zr - Zirconium41 - Nb - Niobium42 - Mo - Molybdenum43 - Tc - Technetium44 - Ru - Ruthenium45 - Rh - Rhodium46 - Pd - Palladium47 - Ag - Silver48 - Cd - Cadmium49 - In - Indium50 - Sn - Tin51 - Sb - Antimony52 - Te - Tellurium53 - I - Iodine54 - Xe - Xenon55 - Cs - Cesium56 - Ba - Barium57 - La - Lanthanum58 - Ce - Cerium59 - Pr - Pr aseodymium60 - Nd - Neodymium61 - Pm - Promethium62 - Sm - Samarium63 - Eu - Europium64 - Gd - Gadolinium65 - Tb - Terbium66 - Dy - Dysprosium67 - Ho - Holmium68 - Er - Erbium69 - Tm - Thulium70 - Yb - Ytterbium71 - Lu - Lutetium72 - Hf - Hafnium73 - Ta - Tantalum74 - W - Tungsten75 - Re - Rhenium76 - Os - Osmium77 - Ir - Iridium78 - Pt - Platinum79 - Au - Gold80 - Hg - Mercury81 - Tl - Thallium82 - Pb - Lead83 - Bi - Bismuth84 - Po - Polonium85 - At - Astatine86 - Rn - Radon87 - Fr - Francium88 - Ra - Radium89 - Ac - Actinium90 - Th - Thorium91 - Pa - Protactinium92 - U - Uranium93 - Np - Neptunium94 - Pu - Plutonium95 - Am - Americium96 - Cm - Curium97 - Bk - Berkelium98 - Cf - Californium99 - Es - Einsteinium100 - Fm - Fermium101 - Md - Mendelevium102 - No - Nobelium103 - Lr - Lawrencium104 - Rf - Rutherfordium105 - Db - Dubnium106 - Sg - Seaborgium107 - Bh - Bohrium108 - Hs - Hassium109 - Mt - Meitnerium110 - Ds - Darmstadtium111 - Rg - Roentgenium112 - Cn - Copernicium113 - Nh - Nihonium114 - Fl - Flerovium115 - Mc - Moscovium116 - Lv - Livermorium117 - Ts - Tennessine118 - Og - Oganesson Notes About Naming Most elements on the periodic table are metals and have the -ium suffix. Halogen names usually end with -ine. Noble gas names usually have the -on ending. Elements having names not following this naming convention tend to be ones known and discovered long ago. Future Element Names Right now, the periodic table is complete in that there are no remaining spots in the 7 periods. However, new elements may be synthesized or discovered. As with other elements, the atomic number will be determined by the number of protons within each atom. The element name and element symbol will need to be reviewed and approved by the IUPAC before inclusion on the periodic table. The element names and symbols may be proposed by the element discoverer, but often undergo revision before final approval. Before a name and symbol is approved, an element may be referred to by its atomic number (e.g., element 120) or by its systematic element name. The systematic element name is a temporary name that is based on the atomic number as a root and the -ium ending as a suffix. For example, element 120 has the temporary name unbinilium.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How To Overcome Makeshift Marketing With New Marketing Superpowers

How To Overcome Makeshift Marketing With New Marketing Superpowers It’s hard to be productive when you don’t realize the forces working against you. It’s even tougher when habits you viewed as assets are actually liabilities. In modern marketing, this is the game we’re all playing. And there’s a lot riding on us to get results. When we fail, our companies don’t grow. When we’re ineffective, our brand suffers. Not to mention we’re unhappy with ourselves when we underperform. The good news is these unseen forces actually have a face, a name, and are easy to spot once unveiled. Better still, they have a single source we can outpace if we focus in the right place. In this post, I will share with you: The most common cause of poor productivity  in modern marketing, Exactly how it harms our personal and team results by 40% or more, And how to acquire the superpower you need to beat it. To begin, let’s further dissect the problem of Makeshift Marketing I introduced in this post. How To Overcome Makeshift Marketing With New Marketing Superpowers via @The Many Faces Of Makeshift Marketing In marketing, we need to move quickly. We need to launch campaigns with speed†¦ Run effective ads the first time around Publish content that produces results And do this all to the tune of providing real business value. However, our overwhelming tide of tools and demands presses hard against our mission. The modern marketing stack makes staying organized hard. The reality is that today’s marketing landscape is flooded with single-function tools. You’ve got your planning tools, social stack, tools for content marketing, and then productivity tools to manage your team. Problem is, none of them play well together. This makes your life more difficult and actually costs you  results. Around here, we call it Makeshift Marketing, and what we mean is many of the teams we talk to end up adopting a variety of tools just to get their work done†¦ They’ll use one tool for social, and another for task management, and then before they know it they end up adding a spreadsheet to the mix to TRY and tie it all together†¦ How You’re Losing Productivity + Results So let’s talk about why this actually costs us marketers so much. One of makeshift marketing’s worst effects is called context switching. It’s a way of describing the productivity tax of changing from one activity to another. Psychologically, it involves two stages: goal shifting and rule activation. Stage one is goal shifting, which is a function of choosing a new task to focus on. Stage two is rule activation, which means your brain is turning off the rules of the old task and turning on the rules for the new one. For example, let’s say you’re in a meeting about an upcoming marketing campaign. Your team is walking through the launch brief, everyone’s roles, and those all-important deadlines. However, while Fred is talking about the the key metrics you’ll be measuring, your phone buzzes with an email notification. Your habit of immediately responding  nudges you to check it on the sly beneath the conference table. (C’mon, we’ve all done it. It’s NOT like you’re driving.) The email is from your boss, and it’s in reply to an email from her boss asking about the status of a project. The simple question she asked is: â€Å"Where are we at on this?† #ugh Is she mad? Does she think the delay is your fault, even though you’re waiting on another team? You reply with: â€Å"Have it on my radar for today. Will follow up ASAP.† Then quickly open your todo app and add that to your ever-growing list. You were going to do this later this afternoon anyways, but unfortunately she beat you to it. This project is a killer. And you’re the only conduit of communication between your boss, external stakeholders, internal teams, and of course your own team. Why? Because there is no central version of truth for everyone to check and keep on the same page. But that’s another project for another day You lock your phone and you’re back to Fred. However, not only did you miss a few details, you’re trying to catch up to the entire thrust of what he was saying to begin with. In fact, you probably forgot all about Fred while reading this little email episode. What Really Happened While Fred Was Talking In this not-so-imaginary example,  it wasn’t simple distraction that took place. When you turned your attention from the meeting to read your email, your mind entered goal-shift mode, expending energy to focus on a new task. While you thought you could listen to Fred and email at the same time, your biological limitations said differently - because multitasking is a myth. Next, upon reading and replying to the email, the next stage took place. It’s called new rule activation, meaning your brain crunched all of the parameters of your relationship with your boss, the project, and its multiple stakeholders. This has to happen so you have the necessary context to make decisions. Your working relationships outside of this meeting operate by different criteria than inside of it. Because there are different expectations, and therefore different rules. Even though your brain can make this context switch with incredible speed, there is still a cost. In this interview with Forbes, productivity expert Todd Herman  explains this cost in a variety of ways. Worse, according to studies by Gloria Mark, an ‘interruption scientist’ at the University of California: â€Å"When people are frequently diverted from one task to another, they work faster, but produce less.† When people are frequently diverted from one task to another, they work faster, but produce less.The True Cost Of Context Switching Does working faster but producing less sound like a familiar trend? Here’s the unveiled cost of context switching. Every time we work on multiple projects, we pay a productivity tax. What About This Superpower? As a marketer, there are myriad factors in beating constant context switching. But the single biggest productivity win you can make is getting organized. While there is a major downside  to interruption and disorganization, there is only upside  to focus and organization. As Herman points out in the video above, if you change the way you work, you can get dramatically different results. But not by working harder - simply by working more efficiently. While it’s not sexy, organization is actually the key superpower to defeat the impact of makeshift marketing, the cost of context switching, and the mental drain it creates. It’s mission critical because marketing today collaborates with nearly every facet of the business spectrum. We work with developers, designers, project managers, sales, customer support, and even our operations folks. Modern marketing becomes an untethered yarn ball if we don’t relentlessly organize our entire program. The path is simple, focus on just one thing: organization. Why should organization be the one thing marketers focus on most?The Superpower Of Focusing On Just One Thing One of my favorite books is The One Thing  by Gary Keller, founder of the largest real-estate company in the world. He sums up the power of focusing on just thing nicely. â€Å"If everyone has the same number of hours in the day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others? How do they do more, achieve more, earn more, have more? If time is the currency of achievement, then why are some able to cash in their allotment for more chips than others? The answer is they make getting to the heart of things the heart of their approach. They go small. Going small is ignoring all the things you could do and doing what you should do. It’s recognizing that not all things matter equally and finding the things that matter most. It’s a tighter way to connect what you do with what you want. It’s realizing that extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.† This works in every arena of life, too. Just ask author and leadership coach Peter Bregman, who attributes  focusing on just one thing to  losing 18 pounds  in just over a month to designing better leadership programs for Fortune 100 companies. From your personal life to working at scale in a global organization, focusing on one impactful thing is the most successful driver of change. Here’s why organization  should immediately become your one thing (and therefore transform into your superpower): The average office employee  spends over one hour each day just looking for things.  Makeshift marketing is a primary driver of stats like this because of endless spreadsheets, single-function tools, and communication channels. Forbes ASAP reports  that they typical executive wastes 150 hours per year searching for lost information.  By having a single source of truth for your entire marketing program, you can gain weeks  of time back†¦ Not simply hours, but weeks! The Wall Street Journal showed  that workers waste an average of 40% of our work days because of poor organizational skills.  As illustrated before, context switching and makeshift marketing alone account for the majority of this time in a marketing context. The truth is, you and your team can stop losing results to the mayhem of makeshift marketing today.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ILLUSTRATION ESSAY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ILLUSTRATION - Essay Example Changing light bulbs is just one thing a person can do to reduce their carbon footprint, along with recycling, driving less, and buying local. There is no doubt the new â€Å"green† light bulbs have a lot of advantages in the battle against global warming. CFLs use about 75 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer. If all the regular light bulbs in the United States were replaced with CFLs, 158 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, or the same carbon load as 30 million cars, would be saved (McKeown and Swire, 2009). If that were so, a quick trip in my car to the corner store for a can of soda wouldn’t have such a big impact on my carbon footprint. Compact fluorescent lights are more energy efficient because they turn more of the electricity into light rather than radiating the energy away as heat. Because of this quality, some people see the light as harsh. CFLs are coated with phosphor, which keeps certain wavelengths of light from showing up to the human eye (Fischetti 2008). I don’t think the light is harsh so much, just that it is brighter. That makes CFL bulbs an advantage, in my eyes. I can always adjust the lampshade so the light doesn’t shine directly in my eyes, and many homes and businesses have dimmer switches installed instead of regular on/off switches. Using a dimmer switch further reduces the amount of electricity needed to keep the lights on. The technology that makes CFL bulbs efficient also makes them cost more money than regular light bulbs, but manufacturers are working on lowering costs so more consumers will accept the change from regular bulbs to CFLs. Over time, the initial higher cost ba lances out in energy savings and how long the bulbs last before burning out. Governments all over the world have stepped up the push toward using more energy efficient CFL light bulbs (McKeown and Swire 2009; Fischetti 2008). As far back as 1996, more than 80 percent of Japanese households were using CFLs. Australia has already

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Multilateral diplomacy and bilateral diplomacy Coursework

Multilateral diplomacy and bilateral diplomacy - Coursework Example Traditional bilateralism also hinged on the premise that physical presence and diplomatic interaction is an essential prerequisite for acquisition of knowledge, understanding and appreciation about each other’s history, culture and environment. Establishing of permanent embassies with missions, ambassadors and consulates for exchange of diplomatic representation between national governments had been precisely to demonstrate bilateral diplomacy through internal adaptation of the geopolitical realities of domestic and regional pressures, external to the participant countries. In the spirit of â€Å"each for himself, and God for us all† stated aptly by the erstwhile British Foreign Secretary Canning, the justification for the existence of its structure lies in the continuing significance of states as entities, for keeping interstate relations alive, aided by modern day technology. The bilateral negotiation of a nuclear test ban between the Cold War compatriots, Soviet Unio n and the U.S at the Conference on Disarmament led to the CTBT -Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which was formulated having positive multilateral overtones on several other nuclear nations that got roped in subsequently. This outcome in the nuclear domain substantiates Thomas Nowotny’s first comment that multilateral diplomacy with widespread ratification indeed, not only turned out to be an adjunct to bilateral diplomacy between the two super powers, but also their inseparability for troubleshooting of critical problems. The limitations of bilateral diplomacy when viewed globally get exposed in the modern context of seeking solutions to complex problems have far reaching consequences to the vast comity of nations. The problematic Human Rights (HR) issue is one, which encompasses women, children, disabled persons, elderly persons, migrants, minorities, refugees, HIV/AIDS afflicted persons and HR defenders to name a few, with its manifestations unique to each country. Growing

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Popular Culture and the Humanities Essay Example for Free

Popular Culture and the Humanities Essay I am writing this letter as a piece of a time capsule. I wish to capture for you a day in the life of the typical person in 2012. I have to say at this point that my day starts early. The house really starts buzzing around 6:00. Usually my husband is out to work at this time. Giovanni, my son, takes a shower getting ready for school. I start making coffee, and getting breakfast ready. Then we have breakfast together and soon he has to wait for the bus to bring him to school. His bus ride is about thirty from where we live. We chose a Catholic school for our children, Guilherme, 21 yrs old, graduate from Salesian High School and is current living in Pennsylvania in his last year in De Sales University and Giovanni 15 yrs old, attends Salesian High School. We want them to learn and practice a catholic faith. Next I have to get ready to go to work. It takes about ten minute driving to the school. Little Angels is private Preschool School; I teach a Pre-school class, which has 13 children. We have to use an electronic card to gain access to building. Nowadays you can’t be too careful with security. My schedule is from 9 to 5 every day, I have one hour lunch break, and I spend trying to juggle between homework, work and chores. I am currently a part time student at Kaplan University. I do not attend physical classes in a physical building. My classes are online. This means that I receive the information through the internet. The internet is the only way to communication nowadays. I have never met my professors face to face, but we correspond through discussion boards on the school’s web site. The Internet is named for interconnection of computer networks. It is a massive hardware combination of millions of personal, business, and governmental computers, all connected like roads and highways . Business, schools and even governments have come to depend on the internet as the main way to exchange information and even goods. No single person owns the Internet. No single government has authority over its operations. Some technical rules and hardware/software standards enforce how people plug into the Internet, but for the most part, the Internet is a free and open broadcast medium of hardware networking. Most of my banking, education and work are done online. Throughout a typical day, I will pay bills on the internet, access my class information on the internet and correspond with my sister and brother in Brazil through e-mail or Skype. At 5 when I came home usually my husband is waiting for me and we go for a two mile run. After I use the stove which cooks food by using electricity to heat pots or pans on the top of the stove or elements in the oven of the stove. This may not really represent our popular culture right now, since many people prefer to eat in restaurants, but we prefer to cook our own food since it healthier that way. That is pretty much what our days are like in the year 2012. We use a lot of technology, but family time and interaction with each are still the strengths of my day. We enjoy devices like cars, GPS, and dishwashers, refrigerators, air condition, cell phones, Ipads, which makes our lives so much easier. Even though we have made much medical advancement, we still have not found cure for Cancer, but we had good news this week, it looks like a regular sports bra, but it’s meant to help women detect early signs of breast cancer. Lifeline Biotechnologies has developed the First Warning System, or a smart bra, after years of research. The concept is called â€Å"thermography,† which relies on precisely detecting heat or abnormal heat signatures from tumors versus normal tissue. †Dr. Siavash Jabbari of Sharp Barnhart Cancer Center in Chula Vista, Calif., said the device is an â€Å"encouraging sign in the fight against cancer,† and it will give hope to the one in eight American women who develop the disease in their lifetime. The bra is still in a trial stage, but it’s showing good results. The company hopes the device will be available in the U.S. within the next two years. To us women this is good news, because mammograms are so painful and not so efficient. Times right now seem pretty uncertain. Unemployment is high, and it is difficult to find a job. My only wish is that my boys to grow up to be good people, to give back to society rather than take from it, and I want them to be able to take care of themselves and their future families. This is a year of a President Election, Barak Obama our President against Mitt Romney. Im personally going for Obama because hes actually trying and he is the best hope for our financial country recovery. Sincerely, Vivian Lopes Part 2: An Example of Morality and Decision Making Abortion and Pro Life Nowadays, in this world, there are a lot of problems that can cause great conflicts for human beings. One of the most complex problems is abortion. This is due to moral and ethical values which we all have. The majorities of us are Catholics and as small children were taught values that are based on the bible such as that famous phrase Thou shall not kill. This phrase relates to an abortion because abortion is the murder of a human being. My own personal beliefs of abortion come from my Christian faith I believe abortion is wrong and it is murder. Pro Life is great organization that is sponsored by Catholics as they try to prevent abortion and promote alternatives to abortion. Abortion is murder. We should support life and not end it. Part 3: My Definition of Happiness A smile, a laugh, a quick thoughts, going for a jogging in a cool summer day; chocolate; my son’s up to give me a hug because he hasnt seen you all day or in a long time, these are the little things, these are happiness these are all things that make me happy. Happiness is very simple to me. Having the necessities of life and knowing that my family is taken care of. Have shelter and food and clothes. I want my boys to have the best educational opportunities that they need and the healthcare that they need. I want to live debt free and try to teach that lifestyle to my Boys. Being materialistic does not make anyone happier. The things that are most important are relationships with my husband and children, our friends and extended family. These things will bring more happiness that any expensive vehicle will. I have come to this view seeing many people chase things that in the end leave them alone and unhappy. Just being happy with your life and accepting who you are and what you have will bring you happiness. Part 4- The day Osama bin Laden had been killed On May 1, 2011, President Barack Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a terrorist compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. In an 8-month plan enacted by the president, and led by CIA director Leon Panetta and American special forces, Osama was shot several times. His body was taken as evidence of his death, and DNA tests revealed that the body was, in fact, his. For over two decades, bin Laden has been al Qaedas leader and symbol and has continued to plot attacks against our country and our friends and our allies, President Obama said in a late-night address to the nation on the eve of Osamas death. The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nations effort to defeat Al Qaeda. He added that his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity ( Part 5: The Twin Towers I believe that the Twin Towers of the World Trade should be included because they represent big change in our society. When the Towers were attacked on September 11, 2001, many people realized that the world not completely favorable of the American lifestyle. We realized that there are people out there like to hurt and kill for no reason, or just try to take our freedom .Every day we live with the reality of being at war. It made us all step back and think about our national security and how to be safer. The sense of community that happened after that attack still brings tears to my eyes. Over 3,000 people died in those attacks that were coordinated by al-Qaeda. After twelve years later, we’re about to finish building the first green building in Manhattan. It consists of four main things that make it green. Those are; energy efficiency, water efficiency, good indoor air quality, and sustainable materials. It runs on fuel cells which are powered by natural gas. This is probably standard in your world; however, this is the first building that has this ground breaking technology. It is supposed to be made from materials that make it near impossible to destroy. I remember watching a documentary where they showed how they were going to build it. I remember them saying the stairwells are wider with oxygen being pumped into the air and automatic safety features installed for emergencies. It is an impressive building that symbolizes us still stand as one nation under God; and also represents all the innocent’s lives lost for no reason. Part 6: Taylor Swift – Long Live song Taylor Swift at just the age of twenty, She is simply a young, brilliant, and stunning singer. She has released 3 albums all of which have had hit singles. Though it was only 4 years from her debut to her most recent album Speak Now, her music shows how much she has grown as a person and as a singer ; with each song written so beautifully, it is amazing to believe it was written by a twenty year old. This is one of my favorite songs on the album. It means a lot to me, looking back at my life and remembering how it felt and what the journey was to get here. It is deep and profound and makes me happy inside can explain. Part 7: Shrek Fairy tales dont always follow the same boring pattern; beautiful princess falls in love with her prince charming and they live happily ever after. The movie Shrek, an ogre and a beautiful princess fall in love, though this beautiful princess has a secret; her secret is that by day she is a beautiful princess, and by night she’s an ogre. Shrek thought she was beautiful as a human and as an ogre; this hidden message is shown as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also in the movie, another implied message is that people are prejudice to stereotypes. Though, once you truly know someone, it can be really wonderful and life changing. Though this fairy tale isnt like the average fairy tale, it still has implied and hidden messages. Shrek displays many of these, each were carefully thought out and written to match the others perfectly. Even though Princess Fiona didnt end up beautiful in the way she thought, Shrek still thought she was beautiful as an ogre. Being beautiful to someone can mean more than being beautiful to everyone. Donkey may have been very annoying in the beginning, but Shrek learned that he was a true friend, even when he judged him from the beginning Donkey reminded Shrek who he loved and wanted, which changed his life forever. Friendships can last forever, and can have many impacts on a person. Part 8: The I Pad I chose the I Pad (portable computer), to leave in my time capsule. This electronic device is where you store all of your information. Im sure you have something much more advanced, but this was quite the item back in my day. It is portable and most people use them when they are in school, working, or to read. This is the technology of the 21st century; the I Pad is just one of the devices owned by Apple. They are also responsible for bringing us the iPod for music, the iPhone cellular device of our century and the Mac Book (laptop). They are the most expensive devices, but they are very impressive machines. This company (Apple) owns the electronics of our time. References: Net for beginners References: Retrieved from Fox news References: Retrieved from breast-cancer/#ixzz29xjyPhGM Bibliography Shrek (2001) References: Retrieved from2012/10/18 Memorable (1990) Shrek (2001) Memorable Biography References: Retrieved from, 2012/10/18 Online Available at: You tube; References: Retrieved from, 2012/10/18 Apple; References: Retrieved from, 2012/10/18

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Style File: Strunk and White vs. Williams :: Learning Writing Essays

The Style File: Strunk and White vs. Williams What is the definition of style? Is there an exact way of interpreting style individuals create in their writing? What is the importance and function of style in the writing process? Does style really matter? Before encountering books such as William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White’s â€Å"The Elements of Style† and Joesph M. Williams â€Å"Style Toward Clarity and Grace† I had not put much thought into these questions. My main focus was to get my writing assignments completed, turned in, and out of my mind. However, these two books create a whole new outlook on the world of writing for any individual who can open the cover and their mind. â€Å"Style† strives to explain how writers can improve clarity, cohesion, usage, and elegance to become a more effective writer. This book is not meant to be read once, for the full potential can not be achieved unless it is absorbed several times. Packed from cover to cover with real life examples ranging from the worst imaginable to greatly improved, Williams provides a detailed explanation of how to transform any writers work. Charts, graphs, and diagrams may add some confusion but can be helpful for individuals who depend upon visual aids. On the same note, â€Å"The Elements of Style† also entails rules, guidelines, and examples for the purpose of the writer’s improvement. However, the approach is entirely different. This little book entails several important topics including rules of usage, missed used words and expressions, principles of composition, and approaches to style. The advice in â€Å"Elements of Style† is simple, clear, and straight to the point. Rules are short, and boldface so they are easy to quickly look up if the writer is in need of a quick on the spot tutorial. Following the boldface rule are a few statements or paragraphs with an explanation. Examples are only found for some of the rules but the ones given are not as elaborate as in â€Å"Style.† This book allows for a quick read and refreshing of rules and guidelines that have been encountered throughout an individuals writing career. There are several aspects of Strunk and White and Williams books that I had already learned years ago and forgotten or had just discovered for the first time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Re-organization and Layoff Team Discussion & Summary Essay

Mismanaged layoffs can go ‘horribly wrong.’ The effect of mismanaged LAYOFFs on the remaining workforce and the effects, lack of management preparation, the human condition, and lack of mitigation strategies. We think that the problem with this article is that not enough managers or HR personal, know how to let a person go from their employment effectively. They sometimes don’t realize the impact that it has on the other employees morals. Also, that sometimes companies don’t take a closer look to make sure downsizing will be the answer to cutting costs like they think that it will. Every HR or manager should be let go in their lifetime so that they know what it feels like. I believe that this statement holds tremendous merit because the best lessons in life are learned through personal experience. In order to adequately communicate life changing messages of sorts, it should be done by a seasoned manager. I will be very surprised if any company has a potential layoff learning path that will coach and train the management staff for these kinds of things. It is imperative to be sensitive to the individual being laid off as this will impact their livelihood significantly. I do agree that other options much is explored such as relocating or wage cuts before making the decision to lay off people. The Problem Layoffs create uncertainty in the workforce causing loss of productivity in remaining the remaining workforce. The article addresses that a manager’s approach is paramount; we don’t disagree with this sentiment, but I don’t see it as a large of an issue as the author of the article. If a company is at a point where they are laying off employees, all other options should have been exhausted. The author writes the article from the position that managers don’t know how manage and that layoff are ineffective. I agree layoffs are not useful, but an amount of respect or approach refinement is  going to make the loss of income any easier; I compare that to putting lipstick on a pig. Trying to make a bad situation easier is often more disrespectful than being direct. Firing is something that is done privately and should be kept confident between the manager and the employee being let go. If a manager is letting, someone go for the right reasons the example should be evident to the employees as cause and effect; being held accountable for their actions. If the Manager is abusing their hiring/firing authority that would affect employee morale; forced silence, uncertainty, etc. Problem Solutions The options that were covered in the group discussion I feel very informative. When it comes to releasing someone, whether it is a termination or a layoff, it was discussed if training for those types of situations would be suitable, or if one could even prepare to carry out something of that delicate nature. You can train someone how to do anything, but that does not necessarily mean it will be conducted in the manner it was taught. I think it all highly depends on the situation and the individual who is delivering the news to the employee. The author’s best point is one of the best solutions; transparency. Managers should allow people the autonomy of reacting, working through, and coping with a layoff in their own way. Transparency is the most respectful approach that management can take as it shows them the truth of the situation and explains the steps being taken and why. I would add rather than trying to find another position within the company as suggested (the company is already struggling!?) they could offer employment assistance to other enterprises; communicate with other organizations in the same industry to identify openings that people would fit into well. They could put together a communications package that shows them what benefits are available, assistance programs, etc.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Effect of Different Levels of Radiation in Growth of Plants Essay

Abstraction The consequence of different degrees of radiation was determined utilizing four set-ups-10kR. 30kR. 50 krypton. and the control ( no radiation ) . The four set-ups were observed for nine hebdomads and growing ( in centimeter ) . sprouting. and survival rate was measured. Consequences showed that at the right degree of radiation degree ( 10 krypton ) . radiation have a positive consequence on the works growing and has the same sprouting and survival rate from the control set up. The 30 krypton set up and 50 krypton set up are comparatively smaller in growing than the control set up. Therefore. increasing the radiation degree above 10 Krs maize inhibits its growing in footings of tallness and decreases the per centum sprouting ofcorn ( Zea mays L. ) but with right sum of radiation at 10 Kr radiation has a positive effects in footings of growing. Introduction Harmonizing to ( Mendioro. Laude. Barrion. Diaz. Mendoza. & A ; Ramirez. 2010 ) . Mutants are alterations in the familial stuff that are heritable and basically lasting. Mutants either may be self-generated. or induced by physical or chemical agents. Ionizing radiation such as X raies. protons. neutrons and alpha. beta. and gamma beams from radioactive beginnings like Ra and cobalt-90. X raies and other ionising radiation is one of the common mutagenic agents that break DNA strand which produce chromosome interruptions instead than base alterations ( Ramirerz. Mendioro. & A ; Laude. 2010 ) . Ionizing radiation can perforate tissues and undergo ionisation organizing ions. These ions undergo chemical reactions to hold a stable chemical constellation. While making these. ions produce interruptions in chromosomes. ( DNA ) which induce mutant ( Das. 2006 ) . The biological consequence of ionising radiation depends chiefly on the sum of energy absorbed by the biological system of which. of class. the chromosomes are the most mark ( Harten. 1998 ) . However harmonizing to Wort ( 1941 ) as cited by ( Sax. 1955 ) wheat seeds irradiated with low doses of X beams produced larger workss than the control. The survey aimed to find the consequence of different degrees of radiation on works growing in maize ( Zea mays L. ) . The specific aims were: 1. To detect the effects of different degrees of radiation on works growing in Termess of tallness. sprouting. and survivability. and 2. To explicate the observe effects of radiation in maize ( Zea mays L. ) to its growing. MATERIALS AND METHODS To measure the consequence of different degrees of radiation in works growing of maize. maize seeds were irradiated at changing doses: 10 krypton. 30 krypton. and 50 krypton. These irradiated seeds were at the same clip and the same topographic point including the control set-up. For nine hebdomads. the information for works growing ( centimeter ) . sprouting rate ( % ) . survivability rate ( % ) were collected and tabulated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As seen in Table 1. consequences show that the the set-up that was irradiated with 30 kryptons and 50 krypton ended the lowest per centum sprouting while the set-up that was irradiated with 10 krypton was the same with the control based on per centum sprouting which is 100 % . At the first day of the month of observation. the lowest in mean tallness is the set-up that was irradiated with 50 kryptons. With the same day of the month and topographic point of seting. you can reason that radiation has an consequence to the works growing. sprouting. and endurance of the works. You can see at the Graph 1 that the control set-up and the 10 krypton set-up are about the same but in the terminal of the graph. the 10 kR set-up was the highest in footings of norm works tallness. At 50 krypton. the works can non last any longer due to the radiation and no information was recorded because the endurance rate is 0 % means all the workss in the 50 krypton was dead. Unlike in the 10 krypton. 30 kR set-ups was comparatively lower than 10 kR apparatus in footings of works growing. survival rate and sprouting rate. Plants have some resistant to some radiation because workss do non hold lotions and sunscreens and they need sunlight for photosynthesis and we know that the Sun emits UV beams. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The consequence of different degrees of radiation was observed by enlightening maize seed utilizing three different setups-10 krypton. 30 krypton. and 50 krypton. Data was collected and shown. Therefore. there is a certain degree of radiation that can do a works grow more. In this experiment. we conclude that at 10 krypton. maize workss turn better because of mutant. Furthermore. this experiment is subjected to further reseach to better the decision that at certain degree radiation. workss turn better. Bibliography Das. L. D. ( 2006 ) . Genetics and Plant Breeding. New Age International Ltd. Harten. A. M. ( 1998 ) . Mutant Breeding: Theory and Practical Applications. Cambridge University Press. Mendioro. M. S. . Laude. R. P. . Barrion. A. A. . Diaz. M. Q. . Mendoza. J. C. . & A ; Ramirez. D. A. ( 2010 ) . Geneticss: Laboratory Manual 12th Revision. 7 Lakes Printing Press. Ramirerz. D. A. . Mendioro. M. S. . & A ; Laude. R. P. ( 2010 ) . Lectures in Genetics Ninth Edition. 7 Lakes Printing Press. Sax. K. ( 1955 ) . The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Plant Growth. American Journal of Botany. 360-364.

Friday, November 8, 2019


PALEOLITHIC VS NEOLITHIC ART essays The following is a comparison of art from the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods in history. Paleolithic Art is art that was produced about 32,000 to 11,000 years ago. The art of the Paleolithic period falls into two main categories: portable pieces, such as small figurines or decorated objects, and cave art. Paleolithic art usually is classified as either figurative that is, depicting animals or humans, or nonfigurative, taking the form of signs and symbols. The portable art of the Paleolithic period was carved out of bone, antler, or stone, or modeled in clay. They consist of carefully worked small flint figurines of people, animals and birds, which are schematic and stylized and were probably used as amulets. This art has been found in much of Europe, in Northern Africa, and in Siberia. Paleolithic cave art, discovered in the 1860s by French paleontologist Edouard Lartet, primarily in northern Spain and southern France, takes the form of paintings, drawings, and engravings on cave walls. Artistic objects made during the Paleolithic era occupy an important place in history, since this is the only source from which we can reconstruct and study people of ancient times. The meaning and purpose of such objects from the Paleolithic era are usually identified with ancient cults. Neolithic Art is the art and architecture of the prehistoric period stretching roughly from 7000 to 3000 BC. Neolithic art was primarily composed of pottery and architecture. By the Neolithic age the advances in technology such as farming, weaving, the advent of pottery and the construction of monumental structures such as Stonehenge, indicate that humankind begin to settle and develop their land. Neolithic people created wooden figurines of people and animals along with pottery decorated with triangles, spirals, wavy lines, and other geometric forms on its rough or polished surfaces. There are a number of articles intended for tr ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Timeline of the Lebanese Civil War From 1975-1990

Timeline of the Lebanese Civil War From 1975-1990 The Lebanese Civil War took place from 1975 to 1990 and claimed the lives of some 200,000 people, which left Lebanon in ruins. Lebanese Civil War, 1975 to 1978 April 13, 1975:  Gunmen attempt to assassinate Maronite Christian Phalangist leader Pierre Gemayel as he’s leaving church that Sunday. In retaliation, Phalangist gunmen ambush a busload of Palestinians, most of them civilians, killing 27 passengers. Week-long clashes between Palestinian-Muslim forces and Phalangists follow, marking the beginning of Lebanon’s 15-year civil war. June 1976: Some 30,000 Syrian troops enter Lebanon, ostensibly to restore peace. Syria’s intervention stops vast military gains against Christians by Palestinian-Muslim forces. The invasion is, in fact, Syria’s attempt to claim Lebanon, which it never recognized when Lebanon won independence from France in 1943. October 1976: Egyptian, Saudi, and other Arab troops in small numbers join the Syrian force as a result of a peace summit brokered in Cairo. The so-called Arab Deterrent Force would be short-lived. March 11, 1978: Palestinian commandos attack an Israeli kibbutz between Haifa and Tel Aviv, then hijack a bus. Israeli forces respond. By the time the battle was over, 37 Israelis and nine Palestinians were killed. March 14, 1978: Some 25,000 Israeli soldiers crossed the Lebanese border in Operation Litani, named for the Litani River that crosses South Lebanon, not 20 miles from the Israeli border. The invasion is designed to wipe out the Palestine Liberation Organization’s structure in South Lebanon. The operation fails. March 19, 1978: The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 425, sponsored by the United States, calling on Israel to withdraw from South Lebanon and on the UN to establish a 4,000-strong UN peacekeeping force in South Lebanon. The force is termed the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. Its original mandate was for six months. The force is still in Lebanon today. June 13, 1978: Israel withdraws, mostly, from occupied territory, handing over authority to the breakaway Lebanese Army force of Maj. Saad Haddad, which expands its operations in South Lebanon, operating as an Israeli ally. July 1, 1978: Syria turns its guns on Lebanon’s Christians, pounding Christian areas of Lebanon in the worst fighting in two years. September 1978: U.S. President Jimmy Carter brokers the Camp David accords between Israel and Egypt, the first Arab-Israeli peace. Palestinians in Lebanon vow to escalate their attacks on Israel. 1982 to 1985 ​June 6, 1982: Israel invades Lebanon again. Gen. Ariel Sharon leads the attack. The two-month drive leads the Israeli army to the southern suburbs of Beirut. The Red Cross estimates the invasion costs the lives of some 18,000 people, mostly civilian Lebanese. August 24, 1982: A multinational force of U.S. Marines, French paratroopers, and Italian soldiers lands in Beirut to assist in the evacuation of the Palestine Liberation Organization. August 30, 1982: After intense mediation led by the United States, Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization, which had run a state-within-a-state in West Beirut and South Lebanon, evacuate Lebanon. Some 6,000 PLO fighters go mostly to Tunisia, where they are again dispersed. Most end up in the West Bank and Gaza. September 10, 1982: The Multinational force completes its withdrawal from Beirut. Sept. 14, 1982: The Israeli-backed Christian Phalangist leader and Lebanese President-Elect Bashir Gemayel is assassinated at his headquarters in East Beirut. Sept. 15, 1982: Israeli troops invade West Beirut, the first time an Israeli force enters an Arab capital. Sept. 15-16, 1982: Under the supervision of Israeli forces, Christian militiamen are bused into the two Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, ostensibly to â€Å"mop up† remaining Palestinian fighters. Between 2,000 and 3,000 Palestinian civilians are massacred. September 23, 1982: Amin Gemayel, brother of Bashir, takes office as Lebanon’s president. September 24, 1982: The U.S.-French-Italian Multinational Force returns to Lebanon in a show of force and support for the Gemayel’s government. At first, French and American soldiers play a neutral role. Gradually, they turn into defenders of the Gemayel regime against Druze and Shiites in central and South Lebanon. April 18, 1983: The American Embassy in Beirut is attacked by a suicide bomb, killing 63. By then, the United States is actively engaged in Lebanon’s civil war on the side of the Gemayel government. May 17, 1983: Lebanon and Israel sign a U.S.-brokered peace agreement that calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops contingent on the withdrawal of Syrian troops from northern and eastern Lebanon. Syria opposes the agreement, which was never ratified by the Lebanese parliament and canceled in 1987. October 23, 1983: U.S. Marines barracks near Beirut International Airport, on the south side of the city, are attacked by a suicide bomber in a truck, killing 241 Marines. Moments later, French paratroopers’ barracks are attacked by a suicide bomber, killing 58 French soldiers. Feb. 6, 1984:  Predominantly Shiite Muslim militias seize control of West Beirut. June 10, 1985:  The Israeli army finishes withdrawing out of most of Lebanon, but keeps an occupation zone along the Lebanon-Israeli border and calls it its â€Å"security zone.† The zone is patrolled by the South Lebanon Army and Israeli soldiers. June 16, 1985:  Hezbollah militants hijack a TWA flight to Beirut, demanding the release of Shiite prisoners in Israeli jails. Militants murder U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem. The passengers were not freed until two weeks later. Israel, over a period of weeks following the resolution of the hijacking,  released  some 700 prisoners, insisting the release was not related to the hijacking. 1987 to 1990 June 1, 1987:  Lebanese Prime Minister Rashid Karami, a Sunni Muslim, is assassinated when a bomb explodes in his helicopter. He is replaced by Selim  el Hoss. September 22, 1988:  The presidency of Amin Gemayel ends without a successor. Lebanon operates under two rival governments: a military government led by renegade general Michel Aoun, and a civil government headed by Selim  el Hoss, a Sunni Muslim. March 14, 1989:  Gen. Michel Aoun declares a â€Å"war of Liberation† against Syrian occupation. The war triggers a devastating final round to the Lebanese Civil War as Christian factions battle it out. September 22, 1989:  The Arab League brokers a cease-fire. Lebanese and Arab leaders meet in Taif, Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of Lebanese Sunni leader Rafik Hariri. The Taif agreement effectively lays the groundwork for an end to the war by reapportioning power in Lebanon. Christians lose their majority in Parliament, settling for a 50-50 split, though the president is to  remain  a Maronite Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim, and the speaker of Parliament a Shiite Muslim. November 22, 1989:  President-Elect Renà ©Ã‚  Muawad, believed to have been a reunification candidate, is assassinated. He is replaced by Elias Harawi. Gen. Emile Lahoud is named to replace Gen. Michel Aoun as commander of the Lebanese army. October 13, 1990:  Syrian forces are given a green light by France and the United States to storm Michel Aoun’s presidential palace once Syria joins the American coalition against Saddam Hussein in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. October 13, 1990:  Michel Aoun takes refuge in the French Embassy, then chooses exile in Paris (he was to return as a Hezbollah ally in 2005). October 13, 1990, marks the official end of the Lebanese Civil War. Between 150,000 and 200,000 people, most of them civilians, are believed to have perished in the war.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lack of adequate clinical data on non-pharmacological aspects relevant Literature review

Lack of adequate clinical data on non-pharmacological aspects relevant to intervention - Literature review Example Type 2 diabetes is one of the types of diabetes that are responsible for the deaths. This type of diabetes creates an extra expense on public health. Ali (2010, p. 21) mentions that the health department does not have a clinical audit data therefore it is not possible to get information on whether the patients receive the appropriate diabetes care. According to his survey conducted prospectively, it emerged that there are particular moral and ethical issues of concern relating to the end of life care of diabetes. His study covering non-pharmalogical interventions in Type 2 diabetes was carried out over a period of three weeks. Ali issued out questionnaire to fifteen patients that included three teenagers and six male patients and same number of female patients. Ali (2010, p. 34) identified primary prevention measures appear to be the best options for the first time patients. This includes among others, specific assistance to patients to reduce weight, reduction of calories, pharmacot herapy, and increased physical activity. All these options fall under structured lifestyle programs. Whitaker (1987, p. 59) explains in his research that the health department needs to carry out an all-inclusive approach to managing Type 2 diabetes condition. In this method, new mechanisms will involve integration of the community, health policies, and practices when implementing primary prevention strategies. Bernstein (2005, p. 23) mentions the importance of structuring the lifestyle of people in his research and says that it reduces morbidity and premature deaths brought by Type 2 diabetes. Having applied non-probability sampling criteria, his study avers that effective management entails giving the community a chance to participate in public health care, which is an integrative primary prevention methodology.... This approach puts the strength of countering the Type 2 diabetes at the community level where the health department empowers people to take care of their health conditions. Primary health care prevention measures reduce the extra expense that diabetes puts on the public. The burden incurred by the public justifies their involvement in prevention measures. Bernstein (2005, p. 51) explains that it is essential to note at this level that the cost of treating Type 2 diabetes and maintaining the condition is excessively high and many people may not afford. In this case, conducted the study several times adds to its authenticity. Furthermore, the cost of treating Type 2 diabetes may redirect a large portion of income from other core functions. Conversely, (Weaknesses) The treatment has harmful side effects including causing hypoglycaemia. These issues pose a challenge to people who cannot easily access medical care. Ezrin (1999, p. 41) disagrees with other scholars in his studies that the health department needs to consider these facts and involve the community in preventing the occurrence of Type 2 diabetes. He posits that since most of the schlars applied the non-probility sampling technique, they denied others people an opportunity to participate in the research which may have changed the flow and conclusion of the studies. According to him, other benefits of preventing Type 2 diabetes by modification of lifestyles comes with secondary benefits to the community. Most researchers did not capture this due to the sampling module used. Following the approach Ezrin (1999, p. 49) says reduces chances of getting certain cancer and heart diseases, low risks of hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Storrie (1998, p. 31) supports Ezrin in the sense that

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hucksters in the Classroom Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hucksters in the Classroom - Case Study Example In drawing a one to one relationship between education and business, a number of moral issues arise. Chief among these and as pointed out by Saddler (2011) is the treatment of school going children as a means to an end. This means that the purpose of commercial activities in schools is not to better education but to boost profits for corporations. Commercial intrusion in schools alters the purpose and nature of education, which is meant to empower an individual in making the sound judgment (Sharma, 2012). Sharma further notes that education is meant to bring out qualities that are locked within an individual and not impress values upon them. Contrary to this, commercial intrusion in schools aims at creating brand loyalty in the children, and not to empower them to exercise the power of choice. It would only be right to conclude that students do have a â€Å"moral right† to receive an education that is free from commercial indoctrination. This is more so the case considering that promotion of commercial indoctrination undermines the sole aim of education, which is to empower an individual to practice independently of making choices (Sharma, 2012). If I was a parent of school-aged children I would be concerned about their exposure to commercial and corporate propaganda. This is because as a parent I would have enough reasons to be concerned over the welfare of my child. Having held the school as an environment where my children will be free from the reach of such exploitative activities, as a parent I would feel uneasy with the position which my school going child is put by being exposed to commercial and corporate propaganda. In the event that I take on the role of a board member in a school, I would be faced with the task of making a decision regarding the type of promotional method to be used in the school. As per the options, of either taking on industry-sponsored materials or channel one, I would opt for the industry-sponsored materials. This method does not employ  activities that are farfetched from the school curriculum. Â